We Support the Campaign For Sustainable Agriculture

The undersigned organizations support The Campaign For Sustainable Agriculture, a national network working to support family farms, protect the environment, and foster a sustainable food and agricultural system. The Campaign includes grassroots and national organizations representing family farmers, environmentalists, consumers, farmworkers, rural advocates, people of faith, animal protection advocates, agricultural scientists and educators, and other concerned citizens. Campaign priorities include reforming commodity programs, enhancing conservation programs, improving agricultural research and extension, empowering minority farmers and farmworkers, and promoting new marketing alternatives.


Abundant Life Seed Foundation…………….. …………….. WA

Acadiana Sustainable Ag. Working Group…………….. …………….. LA

Action Now…………….. …………….. CA

A & E Family Farm…………….. …………….. SC

Aeolia Olive Oil Co…………….. …………….. CA

Agricultural Resources Center …………….. …………….. NC

AgriGulf…………….. …………….. MS

Agro Forestry Center…………….. …………….. NE

Alabama Citizen Action …………….. …………….. AL

Alabama Organic Fruit & Vegetable Growers…………….. …………….. AL

Alliance for Animals…………….. …………….. WI

Allstar Organics…………….. …………….. CA

Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO) …………….. …………….. MT

American Com Growers Association, Bottomline Program…………….. …………….. MO

American Farmland Trust……………. ……………. DC

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) …                 DC

Animal Rights International ……………. ……………. NY

Animal Rights Mobilization ……………. ……………. CO

Animal Welfare Institute……………. ……………. DC

Animanl Rights Coalition……………. ……………. MN

Appalachian Office of Justice and Peace ……………. ……………. VA

Archdiocese of Detroit, Off. of Justice & Peace……………. ……………. MI

Assoc, of Natural Bio-Control Producers……………. ……………. CA

Assoc, of North Coast Organic Recyclers……………. ……………. CA

Assoc, of Veterinarians for Animal Rights……………. ……………. CA

Audubon Council of Illinois ……………. ……………. IL

Audubon Society of New York State, Inc……………. ……………. NY

Beat 4 Farm Coop…………… …………… MS

Bennington County Humane Society, Inc…………… …………… VT

Biological Horticulture Service…………… …………… CA

Biotex Environmental Corporation…………… …………… TX

Bloomfield Farms…………… …………… CA

Blooming Prarie Warehouse…………… …………… IA

Blue Heron Farm…………… …………… WA

Boothe Hill Wildflowers Farm…………… …………… NC

Bread for the World…………… …………… MN

Bread of the World, Igg/s…………… …………… MA

Broadwing Farm…………… …………… NC

Brookfield Farm CS A…………… …………… MA

Brooksher Farm…………… …………… GA

Brookside Farm………….. ………….. MA

Buena Biosystems………….. ………….. CA

Buffalo Food Co-Op………….. ………….. MN

Business and Professional People for the Public Interest ………….. ………….. IL

C.RO.P.P./Organic Valley………….. ………….. WI

Calif. Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) ………….. ………….. CA

California Clean Growers Association (CCGA)………….. ………….. CA

California Sustainable Agriculture Working Group…………….. …………….. CA

Capitol Hill Street Market…………….. …………….. WA

Carolina Farm Stewardship Association…………….. …………….. NC

Cascadian Farm Inc…………….. …………….. WA

Catholic Charities …………….. …………….. KY

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lansing…………….. …………….. MI

Catholic Charities, Diocese of St Cloud…………….. …………….. MN

Catholic Committee of Appalachia…………….. …………….. KY

Catholic Conference of Ohio, Dept on Social Concerns …………….. …………….. OH

Catholic Rural Life, Archdiocese of Chicago…………….. …………….. IL

Catholic/Lutheran Rural Life Commission…………….. …………….. MN

Canaragus Farm Bureau…………….. …………….. NY

Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems…………….. …………….. CA

Center For Ecological Technology…………….. …………….. MA

Center for Resource Management…………….. …………….. CO

Center for Rural Affairs…………….. …………….. NE

Center for Rural Pennsylvania …………….. …………….. PA

Center for Science in the Public Interest…………….. …………….. DC

Center for Sustainable Agriculture, University of Nebraska…………….. …………….. NE

Center For Sustainable Systems …………….. …………….. KY

Central Coop Grocery…………….. …………….. WA

Central New York Chapter of NOFA…………….. …………….. NY

Central States Education Center…………….. …………….. IL

Chequamegon Organic Growers…………….. …………….. WI

Chesapeake Bay Foundation…………….. …………….. PA

Chez Panisse Restaurant…………….. …………….. CA

Citizen’s Environmental Coalition…………….. …………….. NY

Citizens for a Better Environment…………….. …………….. IL

Citizens for Zero Discharge …………….. …………….. MN

Civic Action on Redmond Environment…………….. …………….. WA

Clean Water Action…………….. …………….. DC

Clean Water Action Alliance of MN…………….. …………….. MN

Co-Creative Organics …………….. …………….. CA

Coalition for Health Concern …………….. …………….. KY

Coalition for Jobs and the Environment…………….. …………….. VA

Colorado Organic Producers Association…………….. …………….. CO

Committee for Sustainable Agriculture…………….. …………….. CA

Common Ground Food Coop…………….. …………….. IL

Community Alliance with Family Farmers…………….. …………….. CA

Community Design Center…………….. …………….. MN

Community Farm Alliance…………….. …………….. KY

Community Food Initiatives…………….. …………….. OH

Community Nutrition Institute…………….. …………….. DC

Community Service, Inc…………….. …………….. OH

Community Supported Agriculture of North America – CSANA…………….. …………….. MA

Concerned Citizens of Tillery…………….. …………….. NC

Conscious Choice Magazine…………….. …………….. IL

Conservation Council of North Carolina…………….. ……………..NC

Cooperative Development Services…………….. ……………..WI

Cornell Farming Alternatives Program…………….. ……………..NY

Country Wide Produce Distributers…………….. ……………..PA

Crawford County Citizens Advocacy Assoc……………… ……………..PA

Crystal Organic Farm …………….      ……………. ……………. CA

D-Vac Co- ……………. ……………. ……………. OR

Daily Blessing Dairy…………….    ……………. ……………. SD

Dakota Rural Action…………….        ……………. ……………. MN

Dancing Winds Farm……………. ……………. GA

Dave’s Farm…………….. ……………..MN

Deep Springs College…………….. ……………..NV

Dept on Social Concerns, Catholic Conf. of Ohio…………….. ……………..OH

Diocese of Bismark…………….. ……………..ND

Diocese of Jefferson City-Social Concerns Office …………….. ……………..MO

Dodge Nature Center…………….. …………….. MN

Donaldson Farms…………….. …………….. TN

DragonFly Farm …………….. …………….. CA

Durham Food Co-operative……………..NC

Earth Friendly of Huntsville ……………..AL

Earthwise Education Center……………..NY

EcoJustice Project ……………..NY

Ecology Action/Common Ground…………….. …………….. CA

Eighth Day Center for Justice…………….. ……………..IL

El Centro de la Raza …………….. ……………..WA

Empire State Consumers Assoc…………….. …………….. N Y

Empire State Family Farm Alliance…………….. …………….. NY

Environmental Students Organization …………….. …………….. CA

Esalen Institute…………….. …………….. CA

Family Farm Defenders…………….. …………….. WI

Farm Aid …………….. …………….. MA

Farm Alliance of Rural Missouri …………….. …………….. MO

Farm Verified Organic…………….. …………….. ND

FB Action Network-CSARE…………….. …………….. WI

Federation of Southern Cooperatives, LAP…………….. …………….. GA

Florida Certified Organic Growers and Consumers, Inc…………….. …………….. FL

Food Bank of Central NY…………….. …………….. NY

Food Link, Inc…………….. …………….. NY

Foodscapes Organic…………….. …………….. CA

Foodshed Working Group…………….. …………….. WI

Forest Resource Center…………….. …………….. MN

Foundhom Gardens…………….. …………….. OR

Fox Valley Land Foundation…………….. …………….. IL

Franciscan Community of Rochester…………….. …………….. MN

Friends of the Earth…………….. …………….. DC

Full Circle Organic Grower’s Co-operative …………….. …………….. MN

Fundamental Action to Conserve Energy, FACE…………….. …………….. MA

Garden Lane Environmental & Horticultural Service …………….. …………….. CA

Genl. Council, Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of the-Woods…………….. …………….. IN

Georgia Public Interest …………….. …………….. GA

Goat Hill Organic Farm …………….. …………….. VA

Good Earth Natural Foods …………….. …………….. TX

Good Earth Organics…………….. …………….. NC

Grand Rapids Dominicans…………….. …………….. MI

Grassroots Coalition for Environmental & Economic Justice ……………. ……………. MD

Grateful Farm ……………. ……………. MA

Gray Panthers ……………. ……………. DC

Gray Panthers of Crawford County……………. ……………. PA

Gray Panthers of Northern NJ……………. ……………. NJ

Great Day Organic Farm……………. ……………. GA

Green Earth Farms……………. ……………. CO

Green Feet Organic  ……………. ……………. IN

Green Gems……………. …………….MO

Green Hills Farm Project……………    MO

Greenpeace…………… …………… DC

Gregg D’ziama Inc……………    …………… MA

Guidestone Alliance…………….. ……………..CO

Hampshire College, Farm Center…………….. ……………..MA

Harmony Farm Supply…………….. ……………..CA

Harmony Natural Foods Cooperative…………….. ……………..MN

Hart Distributing…………….. ……………..NC

Hartford Food System…………….. ……………..CT

HatleyMtn.Farm …………….. ……………..AZ

HazelbrandFarm…………….. ……………..GA

Healthy Hearts Food Buying Club…………….. ……………..WI

Heartland Network for Town & rural Ministries…………….. ……………..MO

Heartland Water Resource Council…………….. ……………..IL

Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternate Agriculture…………….. ……………..MD

High Falls Gardens …………….. ……………..NY

Highland View Orchard…………….. ……………..TN

Highlands Bioproduce Network…………….. ……………..VA

Holmstead Farms…………….. ……………..NY

Home Prairie Beef Farm…………….. ……………..MN

Hoosier Organic Marketing Education…………….. ……………..IN

Humane Farming Association…………….. ……………..MD

Humane Society of Guernsey County…………….. ……………..OH

Humane Society of the United States…………….. ……………..DC

Idaho Rural Council…………….. ……………..ID

Idaho Wildlife Federation…………….. ……………..ID

Illinois Assoc, of conservation Districts…………….. ……………..IL

Illinois Pesticide Education Network…………….. ……………..IL

Illinois Stewardship Alliance…………….. ……………..IL

Illinois Sustainable Agriculture Network…………….. ……………..IL

Independent Organic Inspectors Assoc…………….. ……………..MN

Indian Springs Organic Farm, CA

Institute for Agricultural Biodiversity, IA

Institute For Agricultural Biodiversity, IA

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, MN

International Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, MN

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), PA

Intervale Community Farm, VT

Iowa Alliance For Animals, IA

Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (Iowa CCI), IA

Iowa Farm Unity Coalition, IA

Iowa Grange, IA

Iowa Trappers Association, IA

Iowa Wildlife Federation, IA

Izaak Walton League of America, IA

Izaak Walton League, Minnesota Division, MN

Jan Youd, GA

Jonathan’s Agricultural Enterprises, Inc., MA

Jubilee Agriculture Ministries, Inc, AZ

Julie’s Flowers, GA

Justice, Peace & Ecology Commission, Prov. of St. John the Capuchin, IL

Kansas Catholic Conference, KS

Kansas Farmers Union, KS

Kansas Natural Resources Council, KS

Kansas Rural Center, KS

Kentucky Conservation Committee, KY

Kentucky Dominican Sisters, KY

Kentucky Environmental Foundation, KY

Kentucky Organic Growers, KY

Kentucky Resource Council Inc, KY

Kentucky State Beekeepers Association, KY

Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, OK

Kinder Garden, GA

Kirschenmann Family Farms, ND

Kokopelli Farm……………. ……………. CA

Lake Bluff Open Lands Association, IL

Lake County Audubon Society, IL

Lake County Conservation Alliance, IL

Lake Michigan Federation, Il

Lake Superior Greens, WI

Lakes Environmental Association……………. ……………. ME

Lakewinds Natural Foods, MN

Lambros, Inc. Farm, IA

Land Loss Prevention Project, NC

Land Stewardship Center……………. ……………. MD

Land Stewardship Council, NC

Land Stewardship Project, MN

Learning Alliance, NY

Lightstone Foundation, WV

Liles Farm, NC

Living Farm Systems, CA

Loess Hills Audubon, IA

Long Island Community Markets, NY

Long Spider Farms, FL

Louisiana Environmental Action Network, LA

Lutheran Public Policy Office, Washington State, WA

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, ME

Marin County Farmers Market Assoc, CA

Massachusetts Audubon Society,. MA

Massachusetts Dept. of Food & Agriculture, MA

Massachusetts Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty to Animals, MA

McKenna Organics, CA

Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, WI

Michaela Farm, NJ

Michigan Agricultural Stewardship Assoc, MI

Michigan Catholic Grassroots Rural Ministry, MI

Michigan Land Trustees, MI

Michigan Organic Food & Farm Alliance ………… ………… MI

Mid- South Organic Cotton Growers ………… ………… TN

Mifflin Street Community Coop………… ………… WI

Milk Outrage Organization (MOO)…………. …………. IL

Minnesota Catholic Conference …………. …………. MN

Minnesota COACT…………. …………. MN

Minnesota Food Association…………. …………. MN

Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture…………. …………. MN

Minnesota Safe Food Link …………. …………. MN

Minnesota State Red Poll Association………… ………… MN

Mississippi Association of Cooperatives ………… ………… MS

Mississippi River Basin Alliance………… ………… MO

Mississippi River Revival ………… ………… MN

Missouri Rural Crisis Center………… ………… MO

Morning Glory Farm………… ………… GA

Morning Star Farm ………… ………… OR

Morningside Farm………… ………… TN

Mothers and Others for A Livable Planet………… ………… NY

Mt Bamabe Farm………… ………… CA

N.C. Coalition of Farm & Rural Families, Inc………… ………… NC

Naropa Institute, ESP ………… ………… CO

Natick Community Organic Farm ………… ………… MA

National Catholic Rural life Conference………… ………… IA

National Center for Appropriate Technology………… ………… MT

National Contract Poultry Growers Association………… ………… LA

National Family Farm Coalition………… ………… DC

National Farmers Union ………… ………… DC

Natural Food Associates………… ………… TX

Natural Food Associates of Iowa ………… ………… IA

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) ………… ………… DC

Natural Resources Preservation Comm. McHenry Cty. Defenders………… ………… IL

Nature Farming Research and Development Foundation………… ………… CA

Nebraska League of Rural Voters………… ………… NE

Nebraska Wildlife Federation………… ………… NE

Nebraskans for Peace………… ………… NE

New England Small Farm Institute………… ………… MA

New Era Farm Service Inc………… ………… CA

New Harvest Organics………… ………… AZ

New York Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides………… ………… NY

New York Gray Panthers ………… ………… NY

New York Planning Federation………… ………… NY

New York Solidarity   ………… ………… NY

NJ Environmental Federation………… ………… NJ

No. Central Ohio Nature Preservation League………… ………… OH

North American Farm Alliance………… ………… OH

North American Water Office………… ………… MN

North Farm Cooperative………… ………… WI

North West Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides………… ………… OR

Northeast Ohio Greens ………… ………… OH

Northeast Organic Farming Assoc………… ………… CT

Northeast Organic Farming Assoc, of Massachusetts………… ………… MA

Northeast Organic Farming Association of Long Island, New York______ ______ NY

Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey………… ………… NJ

Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York………… ………… NY

Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont………… ………… VT

Northern Plains Resource Council ………… ………… MT

Northern Seeds News………… ………… MI

Northwest Biointensive Gardening………… ………… WA

Northwest Illinois Audubon Society………… ………… IL

NY Milk Producers Association (NYMPA)………… ………… NY

NY Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NYSAWG)………… ………… NY

OTooles Herb Farm ………… ………… FL

Office of Social Concerns, Archd. of Milwaukee ………… ………… WI

Office of Social Concerns, Diocese of Owensboro………… ………… KY

Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Assoc, OH

Ohio Farmers Union, OH

Ohio OCIA , OH

Omaha Creek Cooperative Food Buying Club, NE

Orange Bloosom Cooperative Warehouse, FL

Orange Environment, Inc, NY

Orchid Island Organics, FL

Oregon Tilth, In, WA

Organic Certification Assoc, of Montana, MT

Organic Growers & Buyers, MN

Organic Growers of Michigan, MI

Organic Matters, CA

Organic Trade Association of North America, MA

Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey, IA

Ozark Organic Growers Assoc……………..    AR

Ozark Small Farm Viability Project……………..    AR

Pacific Rivers Council…………….. OR

Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute……………..    ID

Parents for Pesticide Alternatives ……………..    GA

Paul Roberts Farm……………..    PA

Peace and Justice Council, Catholic Diocese of Lexington KY……………..    KY

Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture……………..    PA

Pennsylvania Farmers Union……………..    PA

People for Environmentally Responsible Agriculture…………….. CO

People for Responsible Agriculture…………….. CO

People of Phillips Environmental & Housing Committee ……………..  MN

People United/Pueblo Unido…………….. CA

Peregrine Farm…………….. NC

Pesticide Use Reduction Education (P.U.R.E.)…………….. TN

Phoenix Earth Food Co-op ……………..  OH

Piedmont Farms, Inc…………….. CO

Pigs In Heaven Buying Club…………….. MI

Planted Earth Farm ……………..  TN

Politics of Food ……………..  NY

Prairie Preservation Society of Ogle County ……………..  IL

Prairie Woods Audubon Society…………….. IL

PrairieFire Rural Action ……………..  IA

Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)…………….. WA

Progressive Student Network ……………..    WI

Promised Land Network…………….. TX

Public Voice for Food and Health Policy…………….. DC

Puget Sound Farm Trust…………….. WA

Pure Food Campaign…………….. MN

Purple Moon Farm……………..    GA

R.I. Group for Alternatives to Spraying Pesticides……………..    RI

Rainbow Whole Foods Cooperative……………..    MS

Red Cardinal Farm, CSA ……………..  MN

Red Horse Farm…………….. GA

Regional Action Group for the Environment …………….. NY

Regional Environmental Action League- RSAL ……………..  MN

Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc…………….. CA

Rio Grande Bioregional Project ……………..  NM

River Bend Farm…………….. NC

River City Flower Gardens…………….. OR

Rivers of Time CSA Farm…………….. GA

Rochester Against the Misuse of Pesticides (RAMP)…………….. NY

Rocky Mountain Farmers Union…………….. CO

Rodale Institute and New Farm Magazine…………….. PA

Rolling Prairie Farmers Alliance…………….. KS

Rose Haven Organic Farm ……………..  SC

Rose Valley Farm …………….. NY

Rural Advancement Foundation International…………….. NC

Rural Coalition…………….. VA

Rural Development Center ……………..  CA

Rural Life Commission of Catholic Women, Archdiocese of SL Paul—————– MN

Rural Life Ministry, Diocese of Toledo ……………..  OH

Rural Life Office…………….. KS

Rural Life Office, Dio. of Springfield-Cape Girardeau ……………..  MO

Rural Life Office, Diocese of Burlington VT…………….. VT

Rural Life Office, Diocese of Sioux City IA…………….. IA

Rural Life Office- Archdiocese of Saint Paul, Minnesota ……………..  MN

Rural Oppurtunities, Inc…………….. NY

Rural Southern Voice For Peace…………….. NC

Rural Urban Dynamics ……………..  CA

Rural Vermont…………….. VT

Rural Virginia……………VA

Sacramento Natural Foods Coop, CA

Safer Pest Control Project, IL

Salina Diocesan Rural Life Commission, KS

San Luis Video Publishing, CA

Schmidt Farm, IA

School Sisters of Notre Dame Justice and Peace Office……………. ……………. MN

School Sisters of St Francis ……………. ……………. WI

Seattle Farm Bill Action Group ……………. ……………. WA

Seeds of Hope, Farmer’s Market Project……………. …………….NC

Servants of Mary……………. ……………. WI

Sevananda Natural Foods Cooperative……………. ……………. GA

Shining Waters SBC ……………. ……………. MI

Sierra Club, Alabama Chapter ……………. ……………. AL

Sierra Club, DesPlaines/NW……………. ……………. IL

Sierra Club, Houston Chapter……………. ……………. TX

Sierra Club, Iowa Chapter……………. ……………. JA

Sierra Club, Kansas Chapter……………. ……………. KS

Sierra Club, Mississippi R. Basin Ecoregion Program……………. ……………. WI

Sierra Club, National Agricultural Committee……………. ……………. NE

Sierra Club, Nebraska Chapter……………. ……………. NE

Sierra Club, North Star Chapter……………. ……………. MN

Sierra Club, Rochester Region ……………. ……………. NY

Sierra Club, Rocky Mountain Chapter……………. ……………. CO

Sierra Club, Sangamon Valley ……………. ……………. IL

Sierra Club, Shawnee Group…………….. …………….. IL

Sierra Club, Tulsa Group …………….. …………….. OK

Sierra Club, Utah Chapter…………….. …………….. UT

Silferleaf Farm…………….. …………….. MA

Silvertop Farms…………….. …………….. TN

Sin Fronteras Organizing Project …………….. …………….. TX

Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation…………….. …………….. WI

Sisters of Charity, BVM …………….. …………….. IA

Sisters of Divine Providence, Office of Peace and Justice…………….. …………….. KY

Sisters of Mercy, Regional Commty. of Detroit…………….. …………….. MI

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Akron…………….. …………….. OH

Sisters of St Francis of Phila. Peace & Justice Grp…………….. …………….. PA

Sisters of St Francis, Tiffin…………….. …………….. OH

Sisters of St Joseph of Concordia, Kansas…………….. …………….. KS

Sisters of St Joseph, T.O.S.F…………….. …………….. IN

Sisters, Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary …………….. …………….. SD

Social Concerns Dept, Catholic Charities …………….. …………….. IA

Social Concerns Off., Diocese of New Ulm …………….. …………….. MN

Social Justice Network, Sisters of Charity …………….. …………….. CA

Society for Animal Protective Legislation …………….. …………….. DC

Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests …………….. …………….. NH

Solidarity Committee of the Capital District …………….. …………….. NY

Southern Research & Development Corp…………….. …………….. LA

Springwater Farm…………….. …………….. NY

Start Now Gardens …………….. …………….. WI

Sultana Farm…………….. …………….. CA

Sunderland Farm…………….. …………….. KY

Sustainable Agriculture Coalition…………….. …………….. DC

Sustainable Agriculture Program- Appalachian State University …………….. …………….. NC

Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota …………….. …………….. MN

Sustainable Options…………….. …………….. WA

Sustane Corporation …………….. …………….. MN

Sustenance Farm…………….. …………….. NC

Swamp Squad, Committee of Sierra Club Woods & Wetlands…………….. …………….. IL

Sweet Home Farm…………….. …………….. AL

Taylor Farms…………….. …………….. UT

Tennessee Alternative Growers Association…………….. …………….. TN

Tennessee Family Farm Alliance …………….. …………….. TN

Tennessee Land Stewardship Association…………….. …………….. TN

Tennessee Sustainable Agriculture Working Group …………….. …………….. TN

Terra Nova Ecological Landscaping……………. ……………. CA

Texas Organic Growers Association……………. ……………. TX

Texas Sustainable Agriculture Working Group……………. ……………. TX

Thatchmore Farm…………….. NC

The American Humane Association…………….. DC

The Apple Farm…………….. •…………….. CA

The General Store Coop …………….. WI

The Good Neighbor Project for Sustainable Industries …………….. MA

The Imprinting Foundation…………….. AZ

The Intervale Foundation …………….. VT

The Land Institute…………….. KS

The Minnesota Project…………….. MN

The Palms of Chico B&B EcoFarm Lodge…………….. CA

The Potato Company…………….. IN

The Veda Home Company …………….. ■ W

The Wisdom Conservancy at Merrian Hill Education Center…………….. NH

The Women’s Office, Sisters of Charity ……………..  IL

Totopelli Farm and Lodge…………….. CA

Trantham’s Dairy…………….. ‘…………….. SC

Trust for Cultural Ecology Heritage…………….. CA

Tsi tKuteKwa ynhe…………….. w

Tuscaloosa CSA ……………..  AL

Union of Concerned Scientists…………….. DC

United Farm Workers of WA State, AFL-CIO…………….. WA

United Methodist Church, Ntl. Netwk on Town & Country Ministries .. NC

United Methodist Church,Gnl.Bd. of Church & Society …………….. DC

University of Wisconsin Greens …………….. WI

University of Wyoming, Cooperative Extension Services   …………….. WY

Urban Agriculture Network …………….. DC

UW Cooperative Extension Service, Sustainable Ag & Nat Res. Prog. .. WY

Uwharrie Farm…………….. NC

Valley Co-op ……………..  MN

Valley Natural Foods…………….. MN

Vegetarian Society…………….. PA

Veritable Vegetable…………….. CA

Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG)…………….. VT

Veterans For Peace, Chapter #077 ……………..  VA

Virginia Association for Biological Farming…………….. VA

WA Toxics Coalition…………….. WA

Washington Biotechnology Action Council…………….. WA

Washington State Farmers Market Assoc…………….. WA

Washington State University…………….. WA

Washington Tilth Producers …………….. WA

Water Environment Federation…………….. VA

Wedge Community Coop ……………..  MN

West Marin Growers Group ……………..  CA

Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC) ……………..  MT

White Earth Land Recovery Project…………….. MN

White Oak Farm CSA   ……………..  IL

Whitetail Farm…………….. GA

Wild Oats Markets…………….. CO

Williams Farm…………….. GA

Wilory Farm ……………..  TX

Windmill Farm ……………..  CA

Wisconsin Citizen Action…………….. WI

Wisconsin Family Farm Defense Fund…………….. WI

Wisconsin Farmers Union…………….. WI

Wisconsin Meadows, Inc…………….. WI

Wisconsin Rural Development Center, Inc…………….. WT

Wisconsin’s Environmental Decade ……………..  WI

Women’s Cancer Resource Center ……………..  MN

Women’s Community Cancer Project   ……………..  MA

Woodlands Mountain Institute ……………..  WV

Woodstock Buying Club…………….. IL

World Sustainable Agriculture Assoc. (WSAA) …………….. DC

World Wildlife Fund…………….. DC

Participating organizations back the Campaign’s priorities generally, but do not necessarily endorse or work on all of the proposals being advanced by The Campaign