Posts Tagged ‘NGO Treaty’
Earth Summit NGO Food Security Treaty JUNE 11, 1992
I. PREAMBLE: CURRENT POLICY & CRITIQUE Food security is having the means as an individual, family, community, region, or country to adequately meet nutritional needs on a daily and annual basis. It includes freedom from both famine and chronic malnutrition. Food security is best assured when food is locally produced, processed, stored and distributed, and…
Read MoreEarth Summit NGO Sustainable Agriculture Treaty JUNE 11, 1992
I. PREAMBLE: CURRENT POLICY & CRITIQUE Knowing that: 1. The dominant global socio-economic and political system which promotes the model of industrial agricultural production and rural development is the root of the social and environmental crisis in agriculture, and its effects extend from rural to urban areas on a planetary scale; 2. Although the present…
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