Posts by Atina
Letter Designating The Team To Write The USDA 1980 Report and Recommendation on Organic Farming
Read MoreWisconsin Historical Society is Documenting the Story of Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Movement || Nov 2013
By Roger Blobaum A new effort is underway in Wisconsin to collect and archive organization records, conference proceedings, papers and records saved by organic and sustainable agriculture pioneers, and other materials that help document the history of the organic and sustainable agriculture movement. Jonathan Nelson, a collections development archivist, heads the new national organic and…
Read MoreDescriptions of Roger Blobaum’s Organic and Related Papers on this Website and at the Wisconsin Historical Society
Roger Blobaum is presently in the process of transferring his life long collection of organic movement and related documents to the Wisconsin Historical Society for a national organic archival collection. A portion of the collection is available on this website. It is estimated that the Wisconsin Historical Society will have Roger’s papers archived and available…
Read MoreWisconsin Historical Society Organic History Collection
ORGANIC AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE COLLECTING PROJECT Link to the Collection The Wisconsin Historical Society has initiated an effort to acquire, manage, and provide access to personal papers, organizational records, and other materials of an archival nature that document the growth and significance of the organic and sustainable agriculture movement in the United States. Wisconsin farmers…
Read MorePresentation: A Brief History of the Organic Farming Movement in the Midwest in the 1970s
Who These Early Organic Farmers Were, The Barriers They Had to Overcome, and How They Built the Movement Together A workshop at the 2011 MOSES Organic Farming Conference by Roger Blobaum, (February 2011) “When I was invited to present a workshop on the history of organic farming, the workshop coordinator and I agreed that the…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: Government Study Linking Pesticides and Cancer Supports Health Enhancing Benefits of Organic Food and Farming (Sept 2010)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · Sept/Oct 2010 Food industry promoters trying to convince consumers that organic food is no more healthful than other food have been taking some hits lately. Several developments this summer, including a scary government report linking pesticides and cancer, are challenging their dubious claim. These reports are…
Read MorePresentation at the Organic Field Day At Lamberton, Minnesota titled “Organic Research Then And Now” | July 8, 2010
I am here today representing The Ceres Trust, a national foundation that makes organic farming a priority. It is not appropriate for me, as a foundation representative, to talk about mobilizing political support for organic research. But I can talk about the impact political action has had on organic research in the past and the…
Read MoreSpeech: “The Evolution Of Organic Research From The 1970s to 2010” given at the U of M Lamberton Research Station | July 2010
Organic Field Day Presentation by Roger Blobaum, Lamberton, Minnesota, July 8, 2010 I am here today representing The Ceres Trust, a national foundation that makes organic farming a priority. It is not appropriate for me, as a foundation representative, to talk about mobilizing political support for organic research. But I can talk about the impact…
Read MorePresentation on Global Accreditation of Certifiers, Collaboration with Government Authorities and National Accreditors, and Other Organic Trade Harmonizing Activities of the International Organic Accreditation Service | 2008
By Blobaum, International Organic Accreditation Service, 2008 Website: Email: [email protected] The IOAS and its services The International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS), a nonprofit sector-specific international body established by IFOAM 10 years ago, works worldwide providing a broad range of servio relating to conformity assessment in organic agriculture.
Read MoreGuest Commentary published in the “OFARM Quarterly” – Organic Farmers and Consumers Face New Challenge: Stopping Government Backsliding on Organic Integrity 2006
Organic Farmers and Consumers Face New Challenge: Stopping Government Backsliding on Organic Integrity This guest commentary was published in the November 2006 issue of OFARM Quarterly. By Roger Blobaum Developments unfolding in the organic industry are raising serious new concerns about how fast the organic sector can be expanded and mainstreamed without weakening standards, undermining…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: Agency Solicits Research Agenda Input From Organic Farmers For Poorly-Funded 5-Year National Organic Research Program (Nov 06)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · MOSES Broadcaster · Nov/Oct 2006 The national research agenda workshop convened last month by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), a U.S. Department of Agriculture agency with 2,100 scientists and a $1.1 billion annual research budget, would appear to suggest a significant breakthrough in support for organic food and farming…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: Wal-Mart’s Move into Organic Retailing Creates Concern and Uncertainty in the Organic Sector (Sept 06)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · MOSES Broadcaster · Sept-Oct 2006The surprise announcement that Wal-Mart, the world’s largest food merchandiser, plans to use its well-known price cutting approach to move aggressively into organic retailing is sending waves of concern and uncertainty through the organic food and farming sectors. The Wal-Mart move, part of a…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: Expanding and Mainstreaming Organic Without the Loss of Integrity: The Proposed National Organic Action Plan Can Help Make That Happen (July 06)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · MOSES Broadcaster · July/August 2006The formal launching of a National Organic Action Plan process this summer has the potential to provide a community-wide response to the challenge of steering organic 20 years into the future and beyond and deciding how it can be expanded and mainstreamed without losing…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: Naming Industry Representatives to Consumer Slots Upsets the Balance And Undermines the Integrity of the National Organic Standards Board (May 06)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · MOSES Broadcaster · May-June 2006 The appointment of two industry representatives to National Organic Standards Board slots reserved for consumer/public interest representatives has raised new questions about the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s commitment to enforce legal requirements of the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) and protect the…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: The Search Is Underway for the Missing Organic Farmer Voice (March 06)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · MOSES Broadcaster · March-April 2006 A new nationwide search is underway for the missing political voice of America’s organic farmers. The fact that an authentic organic farmer voice is usually missing when political decisions impacting organic food and farming are made is getting increasing attention in the…
Read MorePresentation on Organic Integrity Workshop at the MOSES Organic Farming Conference 2006
Organic Integrity Workshop, Upper Midwest Organic Farming Conference, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, February 25, 2006 I want to talk about the most important thing consumers buying organic food have wanted to be sure about, and that organic farmers who produce that food have wanted to be sure to provide, and that is organic integrity. It means organic…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: Big Push Underway to Make Organic Farming a 2007 Farm Bill Priority (Jan 06)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · MOSES Broadcaster · Jan/Feb 2006 Organizations involved in national organic food and farming policymaking are gearing up in the coming months to convince Congress to expand support for the organic sector in the rewrite of farm bill provisions that expire in 2007. This provides an opportunity for…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: Hill Fight Signals Alarming Shift in How Organic Policy Is Made (Nov 05)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · MOSES Broadcaster · November 2005 The bitter fight in Congress that has split the organic community and alarmed its leaders is about much more than the Harvey vs. Johanns court decision and its impact on the dairy conversion, synthetics, and commercial availability provisions of the Organic Foods…
Read MoreINSIDE ORGANIC: The Public Benefits of Organic Farming and Why They Matter: An Urgent Call to Action to Get This Important Story Told (Sept. 05)
by Roger Blobaum · Inside Organics · MOSES Broadcaster · September 2005 Organic farmers have a story to tell and need to work harder telling it. The story is about the public benefits of organic farming and why they matter far beyond America’s organic farms. Some have gotten the message and acted on it. An…
Read MorePresentation at the MOSES Organic Farming Conference – Getting the Organic Message Out to Consumers | 2005
Getting the Organic Message Out to Consumers Presented at the MOSES Organic Farming Conference LaCrosse, Wisconsin February 25, 2005 Roger Blobaum We need to do much more to document the benefits of organic farming and to convey this information to others. Surveys of organic farmers show they feel that educating consumers about these benefits is…
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